May this prayer bring you blessings, joy and abundant happiness in your days ahead.
My Daily Prayer
Bless me today, oh God . . .
Give me your blessings this day and help me to manifest your greatness beyond the realm of my human experience.
Help me to know that I am worthy, that no past transgression bars me from the gates to prosperity, joy and inner peace.
Inspire me to see challenges in my life as vehicles for expansion to a higher purpose and to know that purpose through burning passions that are always for the greater good.
Guide me to avert temptation to regress to status quo, and to rise above mediocrity beyond those limits that my consciousness defines.
Empower me to be a candle, lighting the way for others through word and deed.
Allow me to recognize opportunities and let go of fears that thwart change toward my greater good.
Grant me the wisdom to know truth and to explore and question the validity of beliefs handed down through time.
Assist me in letting go that which controls and limits my experiences.
Replenish my faith that your blessings will be answered through my prayers each and every day.
Bless me today, oh God.
My Daily Prayer is one of many inspirational messages in Visions in Verse book of poems, quotes and inspirational stories in verse.